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    Vol.62/No.44           December 7, 1998 
Tehran Daily Reviews Pamphlet By Che Guevara  
The November 11 issue of the Tehran daily Kar va Kargar (Work and the worker) published the following review of the Farsi-language pamphlet Socialism and Man in Cuba by Ernesto Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, along with a photo of the cover of the book. A new edition was recently published by Talaye Porsoo Publications. The paper represents an umbrella formation connected to the Islamic shoras (committees) in the factories and in part reflects the views of figures in the government who are associated with labor.

Recently the second edition of Socialism and Man in Cuba, authored by two revolutionary leaders of the 20th century, Ernesto Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, has come to the publishing market.

The first part is an article by Che Guevara on the role of human beings in building socialism. The article explains the course charted by the leadership of the Cuban revolution in leading people to overcome problems, register economic progress, and advance in the transition from capitalism to socialism.

The second part of the book is Fidel Castro's speech commemorating the 20th anniversary of Che Guevara's death. Here Castro goes over the motivation for the changes that started in the Cuban society in 1986 and came to be known as the "rectification process." In order to accelerate and sustain this process, he emphasizes that Che Guevara's ideas on economy must be revived.

Che Guevara, an Argentine-born doctor, was a Cuban revolutionary who for years fought against U.S. imperialism in Latin America. He had scientific ideas on politics and the economy of societies in transition from capitalism to socialism, some of which are presented in his article and can be read and judged.

In the [translator's] introduction to the book we read that "these ideas are based on the fact that mechanisms of the capitalist economy, even mechanisms of the nationalized planned economy, by themselves, offer no solutions. It is human beings, with their revolutionary consciousness and creativity, who provide the driving force for progress in the society."

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