The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.62/No.44           December 7, 1998 
A correction
The Militant contained an article in the "In Brief" section about several proposed pipeline routes for oil from the Caspian Sea (see November 23 Militant). The headline reads "Ankara hinders Iran oil pipeline." In the article there is a sentence "Tehran is moving to set up a pipeline for the oil running through Iran to the Black Sea." The sentences do not agree with the map. Iran does not touch the Black Sea and there appears to be little that Turkey could do to stop a Azerbaijan-Iran pipeline to the Persian Gulf.

The article describes changes to shipping regulations in the Bosprus Strait. These changes will make shipping in the Black Sea more costly but are aimed not at Iran but at an existing pipeline with a terminal in Russia and a proposed pipeline ending in Georgia.

Ron Richards

Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico

Impact of deforestation
Your article on the "social disaster" in Central America triggered by hurricane Mitch (see November 23 Militant), missed one factor that reinforces the point of the article: it is the capitalist profit drive that is responsible for the horrendous destruction and loss of lives and livelihood for thousands of workers and farmers in the region.

An article in the November 11 Globe and Mail explains that widespread deforestation by multinational banana producers and timber corporations has resulted in a loss of 48 hectares of forest every hour in the region. Mountainsides no longer have trees to hold back landslides or stop the rain from sweeping away topsoil and dumping it into rivers.

According to Juan Blas of the Central American Council on Forests and Protected Zones, "the rain that fell in deforested regions could not be absorbed. Instead it carried the soil into the rivers depositing sediments in river beds. This diminished the rivers' capacities and worsened the floods."

John Steele,

Toronto, Ontario

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