This column is written and edited by the Young Socialists (YS),
an international organization of young workers, students, and other youth
fighting for socialism. For more information about the YS write to:
Young Socialists, 1573 N. Milwaukee, P.O. Box #478, Chicago, Ill. 60622.
Tel: (773) 772-0551. Compuserve: 105162,605
DES MOINES, Iowa - Seventeen people came out January 29 for a speak-out demanding "U.S. Hands Off Iraq" at Drake University. The event was sponsored by the Young Socialists.
The YS actively built the meeting with socialist workers in the days leading up to the event. This included having a number of socialist literature tables on the campus, in the Black community, at factory gates, and talking to co-workers on the job. A few other organizations promoted the speak-out and two professors told their students about it.
Tom Alter, a member of the YS National Committee and the United Food and Commercial Workers union, spoke at the event. He explained the importance for workers, farmers, and students to protest Washington's war moves by organizing more speak-outs and public demonstrations. Protests at the federal building in Des Moines are now being held every week. Questions by students ranged from the role of United Nations inspectors in Iraq to what does the Asian market crisis signify for the future of capitalism.
On January 31 Alter spoke at a Militant Labor Forum demanding, "U.S. Hands off Iraq." Before the forum he was interviewed by local television Channel 5. It was part of the station's lead news story about Washington's war moves later that night.
The YS and Socialist Workers Party in Des Moines are organizing a class series on New International no. 7, with the article "Opening Guns of World War III" by Jack Barnes and Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism by V.I. Lenin starting February 8.
Last Thursday we held our first picket line in opposition to the war drive. Melissa Kaplan, who is interested in the YS, brought another political activist from her college to the picket. A student from Egypt also came to the rally after receiving a leaflet from a table at the University of Alabama, Birmingham. He helped lead the chants at the protest, which he said he learned from reading about other actions in the Militant.
At a pro-choice rally January 31, held in response to the clinic bombing, we spoke out against the U.S. war moves against Iraq and received a very good response, especially from students there. Several young women from the Tuscaloosa National Organization for Women chapter want to help organize a speak-out against the U.S. war moves on their campus. We are working with Justin Hovey, a student at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, to talk to other student groups about joining the protest.
A 24-year-old railroad worker stopped by the Pathfinder bookstore recently. He said the clinic bombing finally prompted him to check it out. We talked for a long time about the current conditions on the railroad, the bombing of the clinic, and the war drive against Iraq.
These examples demonstrate the interest in revolutionary
politics and the communist movement by youth being radicalized
by the unfolding world political situation. With continued
work, this should soon yield recruitment to the Young
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