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    Vol.63/No.15           April 19, 1999 
Leader Of Landless Rural Workers Of Brazil Will Visit Georgia, Florida  
Augusto Olsson, a leader of the Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST) of Brazil, will visit Georgia and Florida in mid- April to meet with farmers, farm workers, and students. The MST is a mass organization that has been at the forefront of the battle for land in Brazil, a country where millions of rural toilers have been dispossessed by landlords and capitalists. It has organized land takeovers by tens of thousands of farm families throughout the country.

Olsson, 27, is a member of the MST's National Coordinating Committee from the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul. He is a leader of an MST-run cooperative farm involving 28 families in Piratini, near the border with Uruguay.

Olsson will speak with a group of small farmers in southern Georgia, and later at a Militant Labor Forum in Atlanta on Wednesday, April 14. In Florida he is invited to address a meeting of the Florida Farm Workers Association in Homestead, and a group of farmers in the central part of the state, among other events. For more information, contact the Pathfinder bookstore in Atlanta, (404) 577-7976.

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