Members of the Young Socialists and other youth who attended the April 1-3 convention of the Socialist Workers Party met the morning of April 4 in San Francisco. In addition to discussing the campaigns of the Young Socialists for the coming months, they decided to send the following message of greetings to the National Committee of the Union of Young Communists of Cuba (UJC), which was meeting that day in Cuba.
The Young Socialists is a revolutionary youth organization that seeks to participate in the fight to overthrow capitalism and establish a workers and farmers government in the United States of America. We do this from within the "belly of the beast," as the Cuban national hero and great anti-imperialist fighter José Martí referred to it.
We understand that workers in the United States and the rest of the world, including the workers in power in Cuba, have the same enemy: U.S. imperialism. V.I. Lenin explained that imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism.
Capitalism as a world system has no solutions to offer mankind. In fact, it can only offer us uncertainty, racial discrimination, and brutality as it drags us towards fascism and war.
An example of this can be found in the U.S.-led NATO campaign to dismember the workers' state of Yugoslavia and to reimpose capitalist social and property relations in the countries where they were overturned.
We are participating in a campaign to demand: Imperialists hands off Yugoslavia! and to support the fight for self- determination by the people of Kosova.
The revolutionary path forged by workers and peasants in Cuba, in which they took power out of the hands of the capitalist class, points the road forward for all humanity.
We look forward to continuing our work with the UJC while our two organizations advance along our internationalist and socialist course.
The Young Socialists believe that our two organizations have similar tasks - to win youth over to communism and to the idea that oppressed people of the world can take their destiny into their own hands.
We have taken advantage of the presence of two comrades from the UJC (Itamys García and Luis Morejón) in the United States to promote the truth about the Cuban Revolution and to win young people to a revolutionary perspective. We look forward to a deepening relationship with the UJC.
We wish you a productive and successful meeting. The YS understands the importance of the UJC as an example to youth in struggle around the world as well as in the training of a new communist leadership of the Cuban Revolution.
From within the belly of the beast we join our voices with yours and scream !Cuba sí! Bloqueo no! Imperialist hands off Yugoslavia! !Viva la UJC! Workers of the world and oppressed peoples unite!
Young Socialists Fund Drive
The YS has launched a $9,000 fund drive to be completed by
the end of May. The funds are needed for the expenses in
building a proletarian youth organization that is financially
independent and can respond rapidly to political developments
and maintain its national office. Each chapter has taken on
goals and a chart will appear in an upcoming issue of the
Send your contributions to:
Young Socialists, 3284 23rd St., San Francisco, California, 94110.