November 8, 1999
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{article about 40th Anniversary of Workers and
Farmers in Power in Cuba series}
Coming next:
- Fidel Castro speaks to electrical workers, Dec. 15, 1960
Earlier installments were:
- "The democratic victory of the people must be complete" — radio address by Fidel Castro, Jan. 1, 1959 (January 18 issue)
- Cuba's first war of independence, the revolutionary struggle against slavery, and the forging of the Cuban nation — Ricardo Alarcón, Oct. 10, 1998 (February 1 issue)
- The social aims of the Rebel Army — Ernesto Che Guevara, Jan. 27, 1959 (March 22 issue)
- The battle to end racial discrimination — Fidel Castro, March 22, 1959 (April 19 issue)
- "Imperialism misjudged the courage of the Cuban people, the strength of the revolution" — Fidel Castro, on the anniversary of the U.S.-organized invasion at Bay of Pigs (May 10 issue)
- The First Agrarian Reform— Fidel Castro, June 1959 (May 31 issue)
- The 1953 Moncada garrison attack — 1961 article by Raúl Castro (August 2 issue)
- Che Guevara speaks at first Latin American Youth Congress in 1960 (August 30 issue)
- Fidel Castro on second agrarian reform, 1963 (October 4 issue)
You can order these articles for $1.50 each from the Militant, 410 West St., New York, NY 10014.
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