November 15, 1999
Militant Labor Forums
Washington’s 50-Year Cover-up of Its Crimes in Korea.
Speaker: Chan Kim, Korean student at Wayne State University; Willie Reid, Socialist Workers Party and member of the United Auto Workers.
Fri., Nov. 12, 7:30 p.m.
7414 Woodward Ave. (one block north of Grand Blvd.).
Donation: $4. Tel: (313) 875-0100.
What Workers and Peasants Won in the Russian Revolution.
Speaker: Jacquie Henderson, Socialist Workers Party.
Fri., Nov. 12, 7:30 p.m.
Trade Pacts, "Free Trade," and Protectionism — Tools for Enforcing Domination of U.S. Big Business.
Fri., Nov. 19, 7:30 p.m.
Both events to be held at 6969 Gulf Freeway, Suite 380.
Donation: $4. Tel: (713) 847-0704.
Celebrate the Grand Reopening of the Pathfinder Bookstore in Washington, D.C.
Hear an eyewitness report from Cuba: "40 Years of Workers and Farmers in Power."
Speaker: Brian Taylor, staff writer for the Militant, member of Socialist Workers Party National Committee. Taylor attended the celebration in Cuba of the 40th anniversary of the land reform law.
Sat., Nov. 6, 7:30 p.m. Reception 6 p.m.
3541 14th St. NW.
Donation: $5. Tel: (202) 722-6221.
The Chinese Revolution and Its Impact on World Politics.
Fri., Nov. 12, 7 p.m.
203 Karangahape Road.
Donation: $3. Tel: (9) 379-3075.
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