November 22, 1999
Mark your calendar - Upcoming Labor and Farm Actions
Sun. Nov. 14, 11 a.m. –3 p.m.
King City, California
March to support Teamsters on Strike against Basic Vegetable
King City Park at the fairground, San Francisco. Exit at Canal St. from Highway 101.
For more information contact Teamsters Local 890 (831) 424-5743, (831) 385-4580 or www.teamsters890.org
Tue. Nov. 16, 4 p.m.
New York, New York
Join the Steelworkers demonstration at DeMag Delaval Mannesman corporate headquarters
175 steelworkers at DeMag Delaval have been on strike for 15 months.
470 Park Ave., between 56th & 57 streets.
For more information, call USWA Local 3355 at (609) 587-2925.
Sat. November 20th, 12 Noon
Mansfield, Ohio
Join the Rally against Armco/AK Steel's Paramilitary Occupation of Mansfield, Ohio
Mansfield Town Square
For more information, call (419) 522-9375 or (419) 522-9385.
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