November 22, 1999
Art and Culture in Cuba Today.
Discussion with Norberto Codina, editor of La Gaceta de Cuba, and other guests.
Wed., Nov. 17, 1–5 p.m.
Hunter College, Thomas Hunter Hall Room 105, at Lexington and 68th St.
Sponsored by the Hostos Puerto Rican Club at Hunter College.
The Cuban Revolution & Youth in the World Today.
Speakers: Niurka Duménigo, José Martí Pioneers Organization; Irisday Ramírez del Monte, Federation of University Students of Cuba. The Cuban youth leaders will be touring Canada November 14–28 to help build the 12th congress of the Continental Latin America and Caribbean Students Organization (OCLAE) to be held in Havana, Cuba, April 1–4, 2000.
Tue. Nov. 16, 7:30 p.m.
Wetmore Dining Hall, New College, University of Toronto, Wilcocks and Spadina (South of Harbord).
For more information call: (416) 530-0051 or (905) 763-9941, Fax: (905) 763-8806 or cubanyouthtour@hotmail.com
A Young Socialist/Communist League Class Series on Capitalism's World Disorder: Working-Class Politics at the Millennium.
Class held every Sunday at 11 a.m.
Pathfinder Bookstore, 851 Bloor St. W.
For more information, call (416) 588-4324.
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