The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.63/No.6           February 15, 1999 
Blast At Ford Plant Kills One, Injures Dozens  

DEARBORN, Michigan - A massive explosion rocked the powerhouse at the Ford Motor Co. River Rouge complex here February 1. The blast sent a fireball a quarter of a mile into the air. Fires burned for hours, limiting the ability of rescue crews to confirm that all workers were out of the coal- fired electrical generating station.

There were about 4,000 people working at the six factories and steel mill that make up the 1,100 acre complex at the time of the explosion. One worker in the power plant, Donald Harper, a 58-year-old pipefitter with 35 years at Ford, was killed. At least 14 others were still listed in critical condition 36 hours later.

Many workers' first response as they recover from the shock is to pitch in and try to help the survivors through a blood drive launched by United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 600, which organizes the 10,000 workers at River Rouge. Some workers have begun to ask questions about what caused the catastrophe. A skilled tradesman, who asked that his name not be used, pointed out that Ford has been on a massive cost- cutting program and it seemed to him that "all kinds of corners are being cut."

John Sarge is a member of UAW Local 900 at Ford's Michigan Truck Plant.

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