The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.63/No.9           March 8, 1999 
About This Special Issue  
This Militant features the preface by Mary-Alice Waters to Capitalism's World Disorder: Working-Class Politics at the Millennium, by Socialist Workers Party national secretary Jack Barnes. Last week's issue highlighted the preface to the new edition of El rostro cambiante de la polĂ­tica en Estados Unidos, the Spanish-language translation of The Changing Face of U.S. Politics: Working-Class Politics and the Trade Unions, also by Barnes. Members of the Socialist Workers Party and Young Socialists are using both of these documents as part of the discussions they are having with interested working people and youth they are organizing to bring to the 40th constitutional convention of the SWP, to be held April 1-4 in San Francisco.

Branches of the SWP are also discussing these and other documents as the political basis on which to elect convention delegates at the end of March.

Another important document whose political line will be put before convention delegates for discussion and vote is "A Sea Change In Working-Class Politics," the summary talk given by Barnes at the closing session of the Young Socialists convention and conference held in Los Angeles in December 1998. It was published in a special International Socialist Review supplement to the February 15 Militant.

Capitalism's World Disorder; issue no. 11 of New International, featuring the 1990 SWP resolution "U.S. Imperialism Has Lost the Cold War"; and The Changing Face of U.S. Politics are also being read and discussed as part the convention preparations. One chapter of Capitalism's World Disorder, "Youth and the Communist Movement," a 1992 report adopted by a fusion convention of the Communist League in the United Kingdom and young socialists groups there, was published in the International Socialist Review as part of the February 22 Militant.

SWP and YS members are actively selling the two prefaces published in the Militant and the special International Socialist Review supplement to workers, farmers, and young people interested in these ideas and in attending the San Francisco convention. "A Sea Change in Working-Class Politics" can be purchased for $1.00 or in Spanish for $2.50 in the march issue of Perspectiva Mundial. The Militant issues containing the other documents are $1.50 each at the nearest Pathfinder bookstore (see listing on page 12) or from the Militant at 410 West Street, New York, NY 10014.

The Socialist Workers Party convention and socialist conference will be held at the downtown San Francisco Hilton. For more information, contact the SWP branch nearest you or the communist league in your country (see addresses on page 12).

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