January 10, 2000
Special notices
Bloody Sunday:
Let the Truth be Told
London: Sat., Jan. 22
Assemble: 12 midday
Whitehall Place (Embankment)
Rally: ULU, Malet St.
Speakers: Sinn Fein leader, Bloody sunday relative, Breandan MacCionnaith, Tony Benn MP.
Derry: Sun., Jan. 30
Assemble: 1 p.m.
Creggan Shops
Rally: Free Derry corner
Celebrate the 41st Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution
and the publication of
Making History: Interviews with four generals of Cuba's Revolutionary Armed Forces
Refreshments - Book launch - Reception
January 1, 4:30 – 6 p.m.
Pathfinder Bookstore
851 Bloor Street West (near Ossington subway)
Donation: $5.
For more information, call (416) 533-4324.
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