The drive will run from March 25 to May 21 and will focus on winning new subscribers to these publications among the growing numbers who are engaging in political discussion and action in response to the capitalist offensive and the injustice, brutality, and reactionary movements and ideas that it spawns.
Capitalism's World Disorder, and the campaign to sell it, are powerful tools in winning fighters and young people to see the depth of the capitalist crisis, discuss the need for revolutionary action by working people, and join the Young Socialists, the Socialist Workers Party, and the Communist Leagues in other countries. The need for a revolutionary leadership becomes more sharply posed as the pace of the class struggle picks up.
Participants in the campaign will very soon have a new weapon. El desorden mundial del capitalismo, the Spanish-language edition of the book, has a huge potential audience among the millions of working people in this country, Latin America, and around the world whose first language is Spanish. Socialist campaigners have already met co-workers and others who are waiting expectantly for the new book.
From reading the speeches in the Militant by Ernesto Che Guevara to be published in Che Talks to Young People in both Spanish and English, it is clear these new titles will be a substantial political addition to the campaign, broaden the reach of Pathfinder, and get a communist perspective and course of action into the hands of thousands.
The Havana Book Fair next month will provide a major boost to the distribution of these titles. Militant readers can participate in this effort by contributing generously to the Books for Cuba fund, which makes it possible for thousands of workers, farmers, and youth in Cuba to see, read, and purchase Pathfinder titles.
We look forward to notes, articles, and other information on the Capitalism's World Disorder campaign from readers in the weeks ahead.
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