The Militant (logo) 
Vol.64/No.12      March 27, 2000 
Join drive to win new readers  
Supporters of the Militant are part of the proletarian resistance to the capitalist rulers' attempts to roll back affirmative action programs, gut medical benefits won by coal miners, and deepen the exploitation of working farmers, among other assaults. We encourage all to also become a part of the eight-week drive to sell subscriptions to the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial and copies of New International to striking workers, farmers fighting to defend their land, and rebel-minded youth involved in protests against cop brutality. Socialist workers and Young Socialists will launch the drive March 25.

Workers all over the globe who are resisting the bosses' drive to lower wages, cut benefits, and speed up production need to read the Militant. It tells the truth and reports on their struggles. The socialist newsweekly helps link struggles together--from locked-out steelworkers at AK Steel, to striking meat packers in New Zealand, to farmers in Ireland fighting for better prices for their products. It reports on the new mood of resistance developing among working people and their efforts to forge alliances and extend the hand of solidarity from one battle to the next.

The Militant is the only newspaper where fighters can get an analysis of shifts in the class struggle and the facts about political developments around the world from a working-class viewpoint.

The Marxist magazine New International is an excellent source of information for class-conscious fighters who want to delve more deeply into the issues and questions raised in the Militant. The campaign to increase the readership of the Militant goes hand-in-hand with sales of New International.

Many fighters engaged in labor actions and farm struggles will want to read the Militant for its assessment of the capitalist crisis and how the working class can lead humanity out of the disastrous consequences. They read how the big-business media hails the booming U.S. economy and the lowest unemployment rate in 30 years, while hunger and homelessness is spreading for millions of working people. Workers sense that this social system is heading toward worldwide economic devastation.

A special part of the subscription effort will be going door-to-door in working-class neighborhoods to introduce the paper, encouraging workers in industrial unions to sign up, and setting up literature tables on college campuses. Supporters of the campaign will also go back to workers and others who purchased copies of Capitalism's World Disorder.

Supporters are encouraged to make the first week of the subscription drive an international target week, aimed at maximizing participation in the campaign, getting in stride for the effort, and mapping out a battle plan for selling subscriptions to co-workers, co-fighters, friends, and others. The Militant encourages all its supporters to join in this effort.

One of the central aims of the circulation campaign will be seeking out young rebels and fighting workers, winning them to consider communist ideas, and recruiting them to the communist movement. The Militant is a paper for those who are looking for a way to respond to the deepening capitalist crisis.

As Jack Barnes notes in The Changing Face of U.S. Politics, "Growing numbers, as individuals and in small groups, start challenging the legitimacy of capitalism itself and are attracted to socialism, to the communist movement, to the traditions of the working class."

The sales campaign is an essential part of reaching out broadly to young fighters and others; offering them a political perspective on how to fight more effectively.  
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