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Vol.64/No.18 May 8, 2000
INS assault in Miami strikes blow to the working class
In defense of the Cuban revolution, in defense of the working class! Click here for EDITORIAL
Call for federal troops to enforce civil rights is a world apart from INS assault in Miami
Click here for article
Federal agents Carry Out Massive assault Click here for article
 Janitors strike scores victory in Los Angeles
Janitors here won a victory for their union and all working people in Los Angeles through their spirited and determined three-week strike against 18 building maintenance contractors. Click here for article | |
Front page articles
151 Federal Agents Carry Out Massive Assault at Miami home
In defense of the Cuban revolution, in defense of the working class!
Janitors strike scores victory in Los Angeles
U.S. rulers map plans to oust Vieques protesters
Washington takes next steps to oust Vieques protesters
Vietnam 1975: 'A victory for all oppressed'
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Changing Face of U.S. Politics
Working-Class Politics and the trade unions
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