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   Vol.64/No.21            May 29, 2000 
Miami meeting sends off farmers to Cuba congress
MIAMI--Fifty people packed the meeting hall of Haitian rights group Veye Yo here to send off a delegation of seven farmers and two workers to the May 15-17 congress of ANAP, the National Association of Small Farmers of Cuba (see article starting on front page). The Miami Coalition to End the Cuban Embargo sponsored the meeting.

Members of this delegation, organized by the Atlanta Network on Cuba, were largely recruited through meetings featuring participants in a visit by U.S. farmers in February.

The delegation consists of Basu, a vegetable farmer from Illinois; Lee Dobbins and Willie Head, Georgia farmers who went on the February trip to Cuba; Francis Goodman, Randall Jasper, and John Kinsman, dairy farmers from Wisconsin; Linda Joyce, an airline worker from Atlanta serving as the delegation's interpreter; Dexter Randall, a Vermont dairy farmer; and Maggie Trowe, a meat packer from Minnesota.

"Being from the most powerful country in the world, going to Cuba reveals that what you hear about their revolution is a lie," Lee Dobbins told the audience. "By going there you have a chance to see what Cuba means for humanity."

Bill Kalman is a member of United Transportation Union Local 1138 in Hialeah, Florida.  
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