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    Vol.64/No.47           July 10, 2000 
Alabama forum hears report on Tehran book fair, class struggle in Iran today
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Militant/Dave Wulp
June 17 Militant Labor Forum in Birmingham, Alabama, heard report back from Tehran International Book Fair. Young Socialists leader Jason Alessio (at podium) described the welcome given to Pathfinder books at the fair by young Iranians. Also speaking was Cindy Jaquith (right), who talked about the international impact of the 1979 revolution against the U.S.-backed shah, and about the class struggle in Iran today. Atlanta YS leader Paul Cornish (center) chaired the forum, attended by 30 people from Birmingham and Atlanta. The forum was the highlight of a Socialist Educational Weekend including sales at four mine portals in Alabama, where 18 copies of the Militant were sold, and a class on "Defending Cuba's Socialist Revolution: Cuban Workers Discuss Economic Reforms."
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