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   Vol.64/No.30            July 31, 2000 
'We don't want seven-day weeks,' say Chicago strikers
CHICAGO--"I'm totally for this strike," said María Adan as she walked the picket line with more than 30 other members of Laborers International Union Local 681. The workers, who walked off the job July 10 at Appetizers & Inc., have kept the picket lines strong from early morning until late at night.

A key issue in the strike is the company's demand that the workweek be extended to Saturdays and Sundays. Adan explained that as an afternoon-shift worker if she is forced to work weekends with days off during the week, she would rarely be with her husband and children.

Referring to the company's resistance to the union's wage demands, Adan commented, "They don't think of us as human beings." After four years and eight months in the packing department, she makes $6.70 an hour. Almost half of the 300 workers at the hors d'oeuvres plant make close to minimum wage.

Another issue is the company's attempt to take away seniority bonuses. For example, Rosa, who makes only $7 an hour after 23 years with the company, told the Militant the company wants to take away her 10 cent-an-hour bonus.

"Sí se puede!" (Yes we can) and "What do we want? A raise! What don't we want? Seven days!" are chants that echo from the picket lines. There is a constant din of passing cars and trucks honking in solidarity.

A giant inflated rat stands next to the picket line, representing the owner of the company, George King. When King himself drove into the plant the strikers turned up the volume, chanting: "No seven days!"  
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