The Militant (logo) 
    Vol.64/No.34           September 11, 2000 
Carpenters union pickets
New York store
Photo - see caption below
Militant/Hilda Cuzco
NEW YORK--Accompanied by a mean-looking, giant inflatable rat, about 20 union workers from different locals of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America picketed in front of a D'Agostino's supermarket here August 17. They were protesting the fact that the owners hired a nonunion contractor to do repair work on the roof of the store.

"We want the contractor to hire union workers," said Anthony Pugliese, organizer for the carpenters union, while some motorists honked in support, among them a group of striking telephone workers. "We are also talking to the workers there to join the union. We don't want them to exploit the workers with low wages and no benefits," he added. Linnea Nelson, 27, a carpenter's apprentice and member of Local 157, showed up at the picket line "to support the union's efforts. I love these rats, because it encourages the picket lines."

Another picket, José Soto, 40, explained, "I was a nonunion worker for a long time, with no benefits. When I needed to go to the hospital I had to pay it myself. Now I can go for health treatment through my union." --HILDA CUZCO

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