Get out working-class view of events in Yugoslavia, Mideast
Partisans of the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial have a special opportunity to get out the truth about the upsurge in Yugoslavia, the Palestinian struggle for self-determination against the Zionist state of Israel, and the resistance of workers and farmers in the United States to the effects of the world capitalist economic crisis. These world-important events provide one of the biggest opportunities to reach a broader audience with the Militant, Perspectiva Mundial, and the Pathfinder pamphlet The Working Class and the Transformation of Learning.
The two publications are taking special steps to cover these events, including extensive coverage by an international reporting team on the scene in Yugoslavia. Perspectiva Mundial is putting out a special issue with firsthand coverage from Yugoslavia and extensive material on the Palestinian struggle.
A concentrated effort over the next several weeks to discuss these questions will be given serious consideration and be met with interest by industrial workers, unionists fighting company assaults, farmers defending their land and livelihood, and working people taking action against racist and anti-immigrant attacks. Learning the truth about these struggles, gaining information about how working people around the world face similar conditions, and seeing more and more that they are not primarily victims but the only class capable of charting a new road forward for humanity has a liberating impact.
Gaining an inside view of the discussions, debates, and actions of workers and farmers in Yugoslavia, a historical and scientific understanding of imperialism's role in the Mideast and the conflicts it engenders, and their interconnections and impact on politics in the United States and other imperialist powers is invaluable for all working people.
Campaigning with the socialist publications and the Pathfinder pamphlet is the best way to meet more workers and youth who see the need to build revolutionary proletarian parties around the world. Stepping up discussions on the job, from literature tables in working-class communities, at plant gates and mine portals, and among workers and farmers involved in strikes and other actions will be especially important. Socialist workers in New York, Newark, and San Francisco will combine this effort as part of building the November 5 meeting in New York and the November 11 event in San Francisco (see ad page 9).
The Militant and PM also point to the role of the Cuban revolution in world politics, its communist leadership, and the ability of Cuban working people to stand down Washington year after year for more than four decades. The transformation of social relations--from the dog-eat-dog reality of life under capitalism to a society based upon social solidarity--remains an example for workers and revolutionary-minded fighters the world over.
Sell pamphlet to fighting workers
Campaigning with The Working Class and the Transformation of Learning is a key part of bringing a working-class perspective to thousands of people over the next three weeks. This means reaching out to garment and textile workers, meat packers, and coal miners who are involved in stepped-up labor struggles across the United States.
The three-day laundry workers strike in Oceanside, New York, demanding union recognition, and the strike by workers at Royal Airlines Laundry in Chicago fighting to be organized by the Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees (UNITE) are two examples of the growing resistance in these industries.
Holding the pamphlet up at street tables, selling it to co-workers, at campus tables, plant gates, and while going door-to-door in working-class neighborhoods will not only boost sales of the title but also open the door for deeper political discussions that will lead to Militant and PM subscriptions and sales of other Pathfinder books.
In several cities socialist workers and members of the Young Socialists are organizing classes on the pamphlet. These classes will take up a broad range of political questions such as the death penalty and cop brutality, the wages system, the social wage and Social Security, the capacities of working people to transform society, as well as education.
The campaign to sell Pathfinder's newest title is gaining momentum in several areas. Participants in the circulation drive have raised their goals in some cities, including the Garment District in New York, Washington, D.C., Upper Manhattan, Newark, Miami, Fresno, and Atlanta.
"We plan to raise our sales goal for The Working Class and the Transformation of Learning," wrote Tim Lennox from Boston. "We have sold 14 pamphlets to co-workers on the job, 11 in a UNITE-organized textile mill and three to railroad workers in the United Transportation Union." Lennox added, "We always make sure we have the French, Spanish, and English version of the pamphlet available at our literature tables. Last week we set up a table at Roxbury Community College. We found a lot of interest in the coverage and analysis of the Palestinian struggle against Israeli brutality." Students purchased a Militant subscription and seven copies of the paper, and the French edition of the pamphlet.
"We are raising our goal to 80 pamphlets," wrote Bernie Senter from San Francisco. "We are closing in on our goal of Militant subscriptions. Seven of the subscriptions we sold were to strikers on picket lines. An important part of what we do is write an article on their strike for the Militant. Many appreciate seeing their side of the story in the paper. And they help to get it around to others."
Supporters of the campaign in Newark sold 14 pamphlets this past week after raising their goal the previous week from 85 to 110. An activist from Guatemala bought a PM subscription after purchasing the Spanish edition of The Working Class and the Transformation of Learning. "He came here to make some political contacts for his organization before he goes back to Guatemala in a few days," said Ray García, a garment worker in New Jersey. "He was very interested in the Lenin titles carried by Pathfinder. He plans to buy the Changing Face of U.S. Politics and Capitalism's World Disorder when he comes to our Militant and PM fund-raising event next weekend."
García said one postal worker who bought the pamphlet at a vigil in Orange, New Jersey, protesting the cop killing of Earl Faisson plans to subscribe to the Militant at the next meeting of a community group in Newark.