The Militant (logo) 
   Vol.64/No.47            December 11, 2000 
Militant Labor Forums
Reportback from Participants in the Second World Conference of Friendship and Solidarity with Cuba.
Fri., Dec. 1, 7:30 p.m.
4582 2nd Ave.
Donation: $4.
Tel: 305-573-3355.

The Cuban Revolution Today and the Intensifying Struggle of Workers and Farmers Worldwide.
Speakers: Randy Jasper, Wisconsin dairy farmer who participated in congress of ANAP in Cuba and just returned from United Kingdom where farmers and truckers were protesting high fuel prices; Marlén Ortega, Young Socialists, recently participated in international solidarity conference in Havana.
Sun., Dec. 3, 3:00 p.m.
1212 N. Ashland 2nd floor.
Donation: $5.
Tel: 773-342-1780

Upper Manhattan
The U.S. Elections: Behind the Factional Heat in the Presidential Dispute.
Speaker: Greg McCartan, Socialist Workers Party.
Fri., Dec. 1, 7:30 p.m.
540 W. 165 St. (corner of 165th and St. Nicholas).
Donation: $4.
Tel:(212) 740-4611.

After the Toppling of the Milosevic Regime: Working People in Yugoslavia Extend their Political Space.
Speaker: Catharina Tirsén, Communist League of Sweden, participant in Militant reporting team to Yugoslavia.
Sat., Dec. 2, 7:00 p.m.
Donation 2 pounds.
47 The Cut.
Tel: 020-7928-7993.

Special forums in New York & Newark at the Pathfinder bookstores listed below
Report Back

Speaker: Norton Sandler
Fri., Dec. 8 - Garment District
545 8th Ave., 14th Floor
TEL: (212) 695-7358
Sat., Dec. 9 - Newark
506 Springfield Ave., 3rd Floor
TEL: (973) 643-3341
Speaker: Bill Estrada
Fri., Dec. 8 - Upper Manhattan
540 W. 165 ST. (165TH AND ST. NICHOLAS). TEL: (212) 740-4611.
Sat., Dec. 9 - Brooklyn
1068 Fulton St., 3rd Floor
TEL: (718) 398-7850.
Donation requested : $4.00
The Cuban Revolution Today and the Intensifying Struggle of Workers and Farmers Worldwide. Speakers: Randy Jasper, Wisconsin dairy farmer, participated in U.S. delegation to year 2000 congress of National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP) in Cuba and just returned from United Kingdom, where he met with farmers and truckers protesting fuel prices. Sun., Dec. 3, 3:00 p.m. Reception 2:30 p.m. 1212 N. Ashland in Chicago, 2nd floor (at Milwaukee and Division). Tel: (773) 342-1780.

Des Moines
Farmers Confront Worldwide Crisis of Agriculture: From Iowa and Wisconsin to the United Kingdom and Cuba. Speakers: Randy Jasper, Wisconsin dairy farmer, activist in the American Raw Milk Producers and recently returned from London, where he participated in the protest demanding government relief from rising fuel prices that are crippling family farmers; Larry Ginter, Iowa hog farmer, member of Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement, active in struggles for immigrant rights in Marshalltown. Sat., Dec. 2, 7:30 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. 3720 6th Ave. Donation: $4 for program, $5 for dinner. Tel: (515) 288-2970.
Superannuation is a Right for All! Discussion on a proposed superannuation fund, and why working people must defend the social wage as an entitlement. Fri., Dec. 8, 7:00 p.m. Gloucester Arcade, (near the Theatre Royal) 129 Gloucester St. Donation: $3. Tel: (3)365-6055.
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