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   Vol.65/No.11            March 19, 2001 
Brooklyn Museum exhibit
The article "Thousands visit controversial exhibit at Brooklyn Museum" in the March 5 issue of the Militant was very timely.

Janet Post comments on the fact that this is not the first time the Giuliani administration has attacked an exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum and it is not the first time an attempt has been made to eliminate public funding for the arts. Post cites a painting in 1999 that drew similar fire. She then goes on to say "due to backing the museum and the artists received from defenders of democratic rights, the city government was defeated in its campaign against the museum."

This included the large demonstration of 1,000 backers of freedom of expression and against censorship that happened the night before the exhibit opened at the Brooklyn Museum in the fall of 1999. I was living in Brooklyn at the time and was proud to be a part of this demonstration.

Nancy Rosenstock
Newark, New Jersey

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