July 16, 2001
Militant Labor Forums
Militant Labor Forums, New Zealand and Australia
Mary-Alice Waters, National Committee member of U.S. Socialist Workers Party, author of preface to Cuba and the Coming American Revolution
Olympia Newton, Young Socialists National Executive Committee,
production manager of Pathfinder’s printshop
Auckland, New Zealand
Following the Lines of Working-Class Resistance: Expanding Opportunities for Communists Today.
Forum coincides with national convention of Communist League in New Zealand. Sat., July 14, 7:30 p.m. Conference Centre, Otahuhu Town Hall, 10 High Street, Otahuhu. Donation: $5 waged, $3 unwaged.
Tel: (09) 276-8885.
Christchurch, New Zealand
Cuba and the Coming American Revolution. Fri., July 20, 7:00 p.m.
Gloucester Arcade, 129 Gloucester St. Donation: $3.
Tel: (3) 365-6055.
Sydney, Australia
Cuba and the Coming American Revolution. Sun., July 22, 4:00 p.m. 1st Floor, 176 Redfern St., Redfern. Donation: $5 waged, $3 unwaged. Tel: (02) 9690-1533
Oppose Assaults on Democratic Rights.
Fri., July 20, 7:30 p.m.
1356 Hueytown Road
Tel: (205) 497-6088.
Los Angeles
Defense of Immigrant Rights: A Necessary Fight For All Workers.
Fri., July 13, 7:30 p.m.
4229 S. Central
Tel: (323) 233-9372.
Jail Killer Cops! The Fight against Police Brutality Today.
Speakers: Lavarice Gaudin, Veye Yo, Haitian rights organization; Frances Sesler, from Brooksville, Florida, whose son was killed by Minneapolis
police; Michael Italie, garment worker in Miami; Max Rameau, Coalition Against Police Brutality and Harassment.
Sat., July 14, 7:30 p.m.
28 NE 54th St.
Tel: (305) 899-8161.
The Cuban Revolution and the Fight to Feed the World.
Speaker: Karl Butts, Florida farmer and representative of Socialist Workers Party
Sat., July 14, 7:00 p.m.
465 Boulevard, Suite 214. Donation: $4.
Tel: (404) 622-8917.
The Cuban Revolution Today.
Speakers: panel of young people planning to participate in the Cuba-U.S. Youth Exchange. Also: a presentation on the World Youth Festival
scheduled for August in Algeria.
Fri., July 13, 7:30 p.m.
5237 N. 5th Street, Philadelphia.
Donation: $5 Tel: (215) 324-7020.
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