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   Vol.65/No.29            July 30, 2001 
Viewers of 'Lumumba' in New York buy wide range of revolutionary books
NEW YORK--Many of those going to see Lumumba, the newly released film about the leader of the independence struggle in the Congo now showing in New York, have purchased a wide array of communist literature from a table set up on the sidewalk outside the Film Forum theater in Manhattan.

In the past week, socialists from the city's Garment District have sold 182 copies of the newly reprinted Pathfinder pamphlet Revolution in the Congo. On Sunday, July 14, filmgoers bought $350 worth of Pathfinder books and pamphlets. In addition to the new pamphlet, the socialists sold copies of Capitalism's World Disorder, The Working Class and the Transformation of Learning, both by Jack Barnes, and copies of the Marxist magazine New International. The previous day they sold $253 worth of books.

One man who bought the pamphlet said, "What the U.S. did to the Congo years ago is the same thing they are doing today all over the world."

Flyers were also distributed announcing the weekly Militant Labor Forum in the Garment District. A young woman waiting in line for the film came over to the table, looked over the titles and told those staffing the table, "This is the kind of organization I've been looking for."

The same day $80 worth of books were sold at a table inside the Garment District, including a subscription to Perspectiva Mundial.
Related articles:
Patrice Lumumba: 'We fought to win our freedom'
Malcolm X on U.S. intervention in Congo
Che on lessons from Lumumba on the fight against imperialist rule
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