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   Vol.65/No.38            October 8, 2001 
The Great Society
The right to lie--In Knoxville, Tennessee, a federal judge threw out the case of four workers at the U.S. Oak Ridge nuclear plant. They developed lung disease from exposure to beryllium, a metal used in nuclear weapons. In his ruling, Judge James Jarvis said the government set a limit for beryllium that it was "well aware" would not protect "that portion of the work population," who were "hypersensitive" to it. The government, he contended, "must balance policy objectives, including economics and national security needs."

It figures--"Almost two-thirds of the $27 billion in federal farm subsidies...last year went to just 10 percent of American farm owners, including multimillion-dollar corporations and government agencies, a review of Agriculture Department records by the Associated Press shows." News item.

Education at its finest--The school principal in Ladera Ranch, a prosperous southern California community, asked parents of fifth graders to provide them with $1,300 laptop computers. He estimated half the students would not have the computers and assured they were not obligatory. But those who did, he added, would have "an enhancement of their learning experience."

'English mostly only'--Maria Hartman and Gladys Aragon are suing the University of Colorado Hospital for forcing them out of their nursing staff jobs. The only Spanish speakers on the floor, they balked at orders to talk with each other in English only. They also refused to serve as translators.

Catch them young, keep them hooked--Tobacco giant Phillip Morris produces more than 1 trillion coffin nails a year, with some 60 percent marketed abroad, particularly to Third World countries. A significant number of sample packs are handed out to youngsters. A company spokesman assured that targeting youngsters is not a policy, but, in a fit of frankness, he confided, "We're not perfect."

We're not perfect either--We'd be hard-pressed to keep this column going if it weren't for the clippings sent in by readers. You too can help. Send items to Great Society c/o Pathfinder Books, 4229 S. Central Ave., Los Angeles, CA. 90011.  
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