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   Vol.65/No.48            December 17, 2001 
U.S. vows to use live ammunition again in Vieques
Organizations involved in the struggle to get the U.S. Navy out of the island of Vieques in Puerto Rico condemned a move by the U.S. government to resume the use of live ammunition during military exercises next January.

Facing rising protests, the Navy was forced to suspend the use of live ammunition in its bombing practices in Vieques after a 500-pound bomb dropped by a U.S. plane in April 1999 killed a civilian guard, David Sanes. His death sparked massive protests throughout the island that demanded a halt to the bombings and the dismantling of the U.S. military bases. This past July residents voted by a 68 percent majority for the U.S. Navy to leave immediately.

Hoping to use the imperialist war in Afghanistan to regain lost ground, the Marines' top brass requested exercises next spring with the aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy naval group using live ammunition. Navy officials point out at the same time how crucial the training in Vieques is to some of the naval battle groups currently participating in the assault against Afghanistan.

In response, Puerto Rican governor Sila Calderón sent a letter to Navy Secretary Gordon England saying that the use of live bombs "would inflame passions among protesters and create a very sensitive situation for all concerned."

A press statement released by the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques said the organization is planning protests to disrupt the military exercises early next year regardless of whether the Navy uses live or inert ammunition during the bombings.

"Sixty years of live bombings have left behind an environmental and health crisis," a statement by the committee said, referring to the impact upon residents of the Navy's occupation of two-thirds of the island since the end of World War II.

José Paralitici, from All of Puerto Rico with Vieques, said at a press conference that the U.S. government "must be clear that the people of Puerto Rico won't allow under any circumstances the resumption of live fire bombings."  
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