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   Vol.66/No.8            February 25, 2002 
Militant Labor Forums

Los Angeles
Celebrate new Pathfinder Book: From the Escambray to the Congo--In the Whirlwind of the Cuban Revolution.
Fri. Mar. 1, 7:30 p.m.
4229 S. Central Avenue.
Tel: (323) 233-9372.

San Francisco
A Working-Class Program to Confront Unemployment and the Housing Crisis.
Speaker: Deborah Liatos, Socialist Workers Party, member, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 120.
Sat. Feb. 23, 7:30 p.m.
What the Enron Collapse Reveals about the Crisis of Capitalism.
Speaker: Peter Buch, Socialist Workers Party.
Fri. Mar. 1, 7:30 p.m.
The Truth Behind the U.S. Invasion of Somalia--and the Continued Resistance to Imperialism's Wars Today.
Speaker: Bill Kalman, Socialist Workers Party, meat packer.
Fri. Mar. 8, 7:30 p.m.
All events at 3926 Mission St.
Donation: $5. Tel: (415) 584-2135.

Abolish the Death Penalty.
Speaker: Mary Ann Schmidt.
Fri. Feb. 22, 7:30 p.m.
8365 NE 2nd Ave. #206.
Tel: (305) 751-7076.

Des Moines
El Hajj El Malik El Shabazz: a Documentary on the Life and Ideas of Malcolm X.
Fri. Feb. 22, 7:30 p.m.
3720 6th Avenue, Des Moines.
Donation: $5. Tel: (515) 288-2970.

St. Paul
Celebrate the Publication of the New Pathfinder title From the Escambray to the Congo: in the Whirlwind of the Cuban Revolution by Víctor Dreke.
Sun., Feb. 24, 1:00 p.m.
113 Bernard St., West St. Paul.
Tel: (651) 644-6325.

Cuba's Proletarian Internationalism and its Impact in Africa.
Speaker: Luis Madrid, Socialist Workers Party, helped to interview Víctor Dreke for Pathfinder's From the Escambray to the Congo: In the Whirlwind of the Cuban Revolution.
Fri. Feb. 22, 7:30 p.m.
506 Springfield Ave., 3rd Floor.
Donation: $4. Tel: (973) 643-3341.

Behind Bush's 'Axis of Evil' Speech.
Speaker: Angel Lariscy, Socialist Workers Party.
Fri., Feb. 22. 7:30 p.m.
372A 53rd St. (at 4th Ave.)
Donation: $5. Tel: (718) 567-8014.

Garment District
Communism and the Explosion of Popular Resistance in Argentina. An Eyewitness Report.
Speaker: Romina Green, just returned from Militant reporting trip to Argentina.
Fri., Feb. 22, 7:30 p.m.
545 8th Avenue 14th Floor.
Donation: $4. Tel: (212) 695-7358.

Upper Manhattan
Labor Resistance Today: A Speak-out.

Speakers: A representative of the Flex-O-Tex strikers; Marino Morel, organizer of Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Workers; Bill Estrada, Socialist Workers Party and member of United Food and Chemical Workers.
Fri., Feb. 22, 7:30 p.m.
599 W. 187th Street, 2nd Floor.
Donation: $5. Tel: (212) 740-4611.

End British Rule in Ireland: Commemorate 30th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday.
Speaker: Roy Inglee, a participant in the commemoration of Bloody Sunday in Derry, Northern Ireland.
Fri., Feb. 22, 7:30 PM.
5237 N. 5th Street.
Donation: $5. Tel: (215) 324-7020.

Eyewitness Report from Argentina: Workers Resist Impact of Capitalist Crisis.
Speaker: Romina Green, just returned from Militant reporting trip to Argentina.
Sun., Feb. 24, 1:00 p.m. Gala brunch at 12:00 noon.
5907 Penn Ave, Suite 225.
Donation: $10. Tel: (412) 365-1090.

Malcolm X: His Legacy for Today. Includes Video Documentary.
Fri., Feb. 22, 7:30 p.m.
An Introduction to From the Escambray to the Congo: In the Whirlwind of the Cuban Revolution.
Speaker: Sam Manuel, Socialist Workers Party.
Sat., Mar. 2, 7:30 p.m. Dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Both events at 3437 14th St., NW.
Donation: $4 program, $5 dinner. Tel: (202) 387-1590.

The Truth About the 1993 U.S. Invasion of Somalia: A Working-Class Answer to Black Hawk Down.

Sun., Mar. 3, 4:00 p.m.
1st Floor, 3/281-287 Beamish St., Campsie.
Donation: $4. Tel: (02) 9718-9698.

Revolt against the Economic and Political Crisis in Argentina--an Eyewitness Report.
Speaker: Christian Catalan, Militant reporter in Argentina for 2 weeks.
Sun. Feb. 24, 3:00 p.m.
4806 Main at 32nd Ave. suite 202 (second floor).
Donations $5. Tel. (604) 872-8343.

The Occupation of Afghanistan: U.S. and N.Z. Rulers Prepare for Further Wars; Assaults on Workers' Rights.
Fri., Feb. 22, 7:00 p.m.
The U.S. Invasion of Somalia in 1993: the Truth Behind the Movie Black Hawk Down.
Fri., Mar. 1, 7:00 p.m.
Both events at 7 Mason Ave., Otahuhu.
Suggested donation: $3. Tel: (09) 276-8885.

The Lessons of the 1951 Waterfront Lockout.
Fri., Feb. 22, 7:00 p.m.
U.S. Out of the Philippines.
Sat., Mar. 2, 7:00 p.m.
Both events at Gloucester Arcade, 129 Gloucester St.
Suggested donation: $3. Tel: (03) 365-6055.

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