The Militant (logo) 
   Vol.66/No.19            May 13, 2002 
‘Militant’ asks working people
to contribute to six-week fund drive
(front page)
NEW YORK--The Militant and Perspectiva Mundial have launched a six-week drive to raise funds for the two socialist periodicals and are encouraging working people, youth, and working farmers to make a contribution to make it possible to continue to publish a socialist weekly paper in English and monthly magazine in Spanish.

Supporters of the two publications can organize contributions to the drive alongside the international subscription campaign. The Militant and PM are producing a flyer to use at street tables, on the job, and with subscribers to the paper to solicit funds.

In the first two weeks of the subscription drive, working people and young fighters have shown a keen interest in the news articles and editorials telling the truth about the imperialist war on working people at home and abroad, why the Israeli state must be overthrown and replaced with a democratic and secular Palestine, and the need to chart a course of independent working-class political action against the bosses and their governments in order to begin to take on and confront the deepening crisis of capitalism.

Socialist workers and young socialists selling the two periodicals over the past weeks report new readers are attracted by the international breadth of the paper’s coverage. Just in this issue there are datelines from Paris, Pyongyang, Auckland, Glasgow, and Sydney, as well as many cities in North America, for example.

In the last year, teams of worker correspondents have traveled to Argentina, Cuba, and Korea to bring firsthand reports of important working-class struggles and big political developments.

The Militant and Perspectiva Mundial don’t receive any funding from capitalist businesses or advertisers, but have relied for 74 years on contributions from workers and farmers who need and rely on the publications.

Supporters responded magnificently to last’s year’s special appeal for readers to send in the Bush government’s tax refund, sending in a total of $25,000 in the second half of last year, providing a real boost to the finances of the papers.

For this new fund, supporters of the paper in cities around the world will be discussing local goals with the aim of raising $50,000 by June 15.

The fund will help to cover the substantial costs of producing and distributing these publications. From printing costs, rent, staff salaries, travel, office expenses, shipping, phone calls, and upkeep of editorial resources, the month-to-month expenses of the two publications run far beyond income received from sales of the Militant and PM.

The editors of the two publications are encouraging all readers to contribute to the fund and to join the broader effort. "Whether large or small, all pledges and donations will be welcome," said Militant editor Greg McCartan. "We can tap into the interest and support from co-workers and those who attend Militant Labor Forums. People who know the two periodicals through literature tables in working-class districts and at plant gates will also want to help, which is a good reason to have a donation box on every table." Supporters will want to waste no time in organizing special Militant Labor Forums to launch the drive in their area and to gain pledges and contributions. Over the next week partisans of the socialist publications will discuss and adopt goals for the fund in their areas. If you want to help, see page 12 for information on how to contact Militant supporters near you. Contributions can be sent to the Militant at 410 West St., New York, N.Y. 10014.  
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