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   Vol.66/No.42           November 11, 2002  
Fighting from within
I am writing as a conscious person found within the physical confines of this unjust system of oppression and exploitation. I do not support this capitalist war on behalf of the multinational corporations who are using the workers as puppets in their imperialist plans. My heart is with all the pro-active people in the world fighting for global justice, and I am also fighting from within.

My main purpose for writing is because of the rally scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 19, 2002. This is a rally called by the Coalition for Parole Restoration on behalf of all the prisoners who are being denied parole release because of politics and economics. We are being denied release even after completing our mandatory minimums and after the completion of all the therapeutic/vocational/educational programs.

This rally is going to be attended by hundreds of our family and friends. The mainstream media doesn’t give us coverage because they belong to the corporations that support the same system we are fighting against. Please voice our plight in the Militant.

This rally can also be a perfect place to get votes for Mr. Martín Koppel in his run for governor of New York. If I were home he would have my vote for sure.

I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have the Militant bringing me light.

A prisoner
Otisville, New York
Tool to fight imperialism
I would like very much to renew my subsidized six-month subscription to the Militant weekly newspaper for an additional six months. Please find the enclosed check for $6. I wish to convey my compliments to the Militant editorial staff for honest, insightful and most pertinent news made available to all those in struggle against imperialism the world over.

A prisoner
Auburn, New York
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