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   Vol.66/No.43           November 18, 2002  
Congratulate socialists
I am writing in regards to Connie Allen’s attempt to run for Senate in place of Strom Thurmond. I would like to congratulate Ms. Allen for her platform, I think she has a very good perspective on life in America and what the true reasons are behind our "war" with Iraq.

I live in a state completely devoid of any labor movement, the Republicans control 97 percent of elected positions. It is time for a change, a social change that will only come at the hands of the working class. It is time to end two-party domination of our government! The current parties exist only to maintain the existing power structure. This structure was designed with the purpose of keeping the rich, rich and the poor, poor. As long as Americans continue to work to consume we will be left in a position of continually begging for handouts from the rich.

Trickledown handouts are not a solution, they only serve to widen the existing chasm between laborers and management, laborers and CEO’s, laborers and true happiness. Please Ms. Allen, do not give up, this may not be your year. But soon more will follow you and we will have socially-minded labor reformists running in every major election.

You are lighting the way for the next generation of this nation’s leaders, and I thank you.

Jamie C. Bailey
Pocatello, Idaho
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