Vol. 66/No.46 December 9, 2002
News articles
UK firefighters strike as government torpedoes pay deal
Labour prime minister mobilizes troops as strikebreakers
In New England, revolutionary leader speaks on truth about Cuba and Africa
Police in Argentina storm occupied garment plant, workers take it back
U.S., British planes start daily raids against Iraq
At Havana meeting, youth discuss Che’s revolutionary ideas
Bosses stiff retirees as pension fund losses mount
Malcolm X: ‘You’re living at a time of revolution’
Pathfinder releases new, expanded edition of ‘Malcolm X Talks to Young People’
Protests in El Salvador block health cuts
Poland: miners, steelworkers, nurses march against gov’t plans to smash jobs
Thousands of students in Peru oppose cuts in public education
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Students in Iran protest cop attacks: government weakens
10,000 attend funeral in Pakistan for man executed by U.S. government
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Cause of oil spill near Spain: shippers’ profit drive
U.S., French imperialists battle to pillage Ivory Coast cocoa
‘Homeland security’ legislation accelerates government spying on private records of millions
Pathfinder Fund hits 110 percent!
Reality check for ‘Miami Herald’ editors
Israel’s Likud-Labour coalition breaks up
Capitalist media falsifies Hebron battle as ‘masacre by Palestinians’
Papua New Guinea students, working people protest cop brutality, attacks on land rights
Leader of dockworkers union tells of wage fight, support to student actions
Cubans framed in U.S. court demand new trial
Palestinian in Boston fights INS frame-up
UNITE pickets stand firm at Point Blank plant near Miami
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1975 New York ‘budget crisis,’ like today’s, was excuse to attack pensions, services
Conference on FTAA opens in Havana
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