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   Vol. 67/No. 9           March 24, 2003  
‘Militant’ launches
international fund appeal
(front page)
As Washington and other imperialist powers move rapidly toward a brutal war in the Mideast, supporters of the Militant and the Spanish-language magazine Perspectiva Mundial around the world have launched a nine-week campaign to raise $75,000 to help finance the two socialist publications. The drive goes from March 10 to May 12.

At a February 23 meeting in New York on "Capitalism’s Long Hot Winter," supporters of the two publications raised nearly $2,000 in cash and checks and made pledges totaling $20,000.

The chart on page 5 shows the initial list of local goals that supporters of these publications have reported so far. Next week the Militant will print a chart with the full list of local quotas. Supporters are urged to send in reports on their fund-raising plans, such as public meetings, fund mailings, phone call campaigns, and fund raising among co-workers.

The Militant and Perspectiva Mundial are financed exclusively by the efforts of working people and others who value these socialist periodicals for truthfully presenting the facts and explaining a revolutionary working-class perspective. Raising the $75,000 is necessary to help cover the weekly expenses of printing and shipping these publications.

With the accelerating imperialist war moves and the beginnings of a worldwide capitalist depression, the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial are essential political tools in understanding the unfolding world events and the way forward for working people.

They continue to explain the economic and political roots of the imperialist drive to war in the Mideast and elsewhere in the world, including the sharpening conflicts between the imperialist powers in Washington, Paris, London, and Berlin as they stake out competing claims for redividing the world.

The Militant and Perspectiva Mundial will continue to report accurately on the resistance by workers and farmers to the brutal offensive of the employer class--from the meat packers on strike today at Tyson Foods in Wisconsin to the Palestinian people fighting for national self-determination. And they will keep explaining a revolutionary course of action for working people, leading to the need to take political power and to join the worldwide fight for socialism.

The $75,000 fund will make it possible to respond to political events internationally, such as the recent coverage on the Havana International Book Fair and what it showed about the hunger for revolutionary ideas among many working people and youth in Cuba, as well as the important efforts by the Cuban leadership to win the new generations to the revolution.

Supporters of the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial are now detailing their plans on how to raise funds and meet their local quotas. The key to success is to approach the broadest number of people possible for contributions--including co-workers in garment shops, coal mines, packinghouses, and other workplaces, farmers fighting for their land, and young people who are just meeting the communist movement and for whom the socialist publications open up a new world of political understanding.

Public meetings in each city, built around a timely political topic, are needed early in the campaign as a focus for broad fund-raising.

Contributions to the fund should be sent to the Militant, 410 West Street, New York, NY 10014, with checks made out to the Militant.  
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