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   Vol. 67/No. 14           April 28, 2003  
‘Militant’ supporters
plan fund-raisers
Stepped-up efforts are needed now to close the gap, which has widened since last week, between contributions for the Militant Fund and the funds needed to be on schedule. The Militant Fund is now into the fifth week of a nine-week drive ending May 12.

As the chart shows, pledges now exceed the international goal of 85,000.

Militant supporters in several local areas are building fund-raising events in the next couple of weeks. Nan Bailey, an SWP leader in Los Angeles, will be the featured speaker at an April 27 fund-raiser in Houston. In Chicago, Militant staff writer Sam Manuel will be speaking at a program the same day on the subject of "The Conquest of Iraq and Washington’s trade push into Africa."

Manuel will also be speaking the following week in Washington, D.C., at a May 3 event which, in addition to raising funds for the international effort, will launch the new Washington reporting bureau. Militant editor Argiris Malapanis will be one of the speakers at the event. Manuel will be based full time in the U.S. capital by early May.

In Seattle, socialist workers and others are gearing up for a similar fundraiser April 19. Ma’mud Shirvani, Farsi-language editor of Pathfinder Press, will speak at this event. Expecting a larger crowd than can fit in the Seattle Pathfinder Bookstore, where the weekly Militant Labor Forum series is held, they have secured a room at a nearby community center.

"We passed out 200 leaflets building the meeting at an antiwar rally in Seattle on April 12," said David Ferguson, a supporter of the fund in Seattle. "We met quite a few people who were interested in the event, including a young student from Korea who said he was looking for a group with a socialist perspective. We are planning special teams on the campuses leading up to the meeting as well."

Shirvani spoke April 13 to about 25 people at a fundraiser in the Boston Pathfinder Bookstore. The meeting, which was followed by a dinner, gave a boost to the local effort, raising $1,020 for the fund. Contributions to the fund can be sent to the Militant, 152 W. 36th St., Suite 401, New York, NY 10018. Checks should be earmarked for the Militant Fund.

See this week’s fund drive chart  
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