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   Vol. 67/No. 31           September 15, 2003  
Events planned
to boost fund
Supporters of the Socialist Workers Party-Building Fund in cities around the country are organizing meetings to raise money for the $80,000 fund that helps to finance the work of the communist movement. The campaign runs until October 15.

On September 20 SWP leader Martín Koppel will speak in Newark, New Jersey, on “Latin America: A Smoldering Volcano; Washington’s Moves to Boost its Military Intervention.” Supporters of the fund effort in Birmingham, Alabama, and Atlanta have organized for SWP and Young Socialist leader Arrin Hawkins to speak in their cities September 19-20, on “Defend the Cuban Revolution: Its lessons for fighting workers and youth worldwide.”

Other programs include Sam Manuel speaking September 6 in Twin Cities on “The U.S. Conquest of Iraq and Its Trade Push in Africa.” Ernie Mailhot and Becca Williamson will speak on “The Road of Moncada and Party-Building Today” September 14 in Des Moines, Iowa, and September 28 in Omaha, Nebraska. Similar meetings have been planned for Pittsburgh and Hazelton, Pennsylvania, as well as Detroit and Chicago.

Socialist workers in these cities and others will be building the meetings among fellow trade unionists, youth who have just returned from the Cuba-U.S. Youth Exchange, and others.

The challenge before all supporters is to rapidly begin collecting and sending in contributions. We are halfway through the fund campaign but only 16 percent of the goal has been collected—$31,000 short of where it should be. Diligent effort is needed to contact all those with pledges and ask them to make payments as well as seek out new contributors.

The deadline for contributions to be received and recorded on the weekly scoreboard is Saturday at noon (EST). All donations should be mailed to: SWP, 152 W. 36th St., Room 401, New York, N.Y., 10018. Checks should be made out to the SWP.

See fund chart  
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