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   Vol. 67/No. 35           October 13, 2003  
Fund appeal for digital camera:
first contributions start rolling in
Reaps fruits in Venezuela reporting trip photos
(front page)
On September 10 the Militant’s camera bag—containing our new Canon EOS 10 D digital camera and three lenses—was stolen at an event in New York covered by a Militant reporter. The total loss amounted to $4,000.

To offset the cost of replacing this equipment, the Militant launched an appeal two weeks ago for contributions from its readers. In response to political developments, however, funds were borrowed in order to buy a replacement digital camera and lens right away. As readers can see from this week’s coverage (see links below), a two-person reporting team of Militant editor Argiris Malapanis and Carlos Cornejo from Vancouver, Canada, is now on the scene in Venezuela. Some of the first photographs taken with this equipment—which allows digital pictures to be downloaded directly from the camera and sent quickly by e-mail—appear in this issue.

Contributions to help pay for this photographic equipment are needed now. Militant readers in the Boston area have already responded with $400 in pledges and contributions, and other donations have begun to arrive at the Militant offices.

In fielding the reporting team to Venezuela, the Militant responded to an invitation to cover the founding conference of the Workers Party of Venezuela, which took place September 27 in the eastern city of Puerto Ordaz, a center of steel production. Coverage on that event will appear in the next Militant.

During their one-week reporting trip, Malapanis and Cornejo will be traveling to a number of cities to meet fishermen, peasants fighting for land, and workers involved in recent factory occupations, as well as to learn about the work of Cuban internationalist volunteers collaborating with Venezuelans on the mass literacy drive known as Mission Robinson and the Plan Barrio Adentro, a project involving volunteer Cuban doctors who serve in some of the poorest working-class neighborhoods.

Funds are still needed. Please send your contribution (earmarked for the Photo Equipment Fund) to the Militant at 152 W. 36th St. #401, New York, N.Y. 10018.
Related article:
Venezuela: fired oil bosses evicted from government-funded housing
Pro-imperialist opposition exploits move in its drive against Chávez
Unionists hold conference to found Workers Party of Venezuela  
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