“Within a couple of days after beginning an intensive effort to reinforce the work crew with others who have the electrical and woodworking skills we especially needed in the homestretch of the construction, we had volunteers fly or drive to New York from Seattle, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Houston, and Hilo, Hawaii,” said Mailhot.
“With this infusion of skilled help, we have been able to hang all of the 45 commercial light fixtures we purchased, and assemble and finish the kitchen cabinetry and bookstore shelves that a volunteer prefabricated and drove to New York,” Mailhot continued. “We’ve also begun work on bookshelves and cabinets for the Militant newsroom and a coat closet for the entryway. Carpet will begin to be laid February 13.” Two days later the first items will be moved into the new newsroom from its current temporary location, he added. “We’ll go from there to setting up the bookstore and the SWP National Office a week later.”
The new international headquarters of the communist movement is located in the heart of New York’s garment district. The construction project began at the turn of the year and will be completed in time for a grand opening public meeting set for Sunday, February 29. (See ad.) The day before, volunteers from around the world will put the finishing touches on the move and prepare the premises for the public event.
The project is funded by the 2004 Headquarters Building Appeal that lasts through February. As this issue goes to press, $214,000 has been pledged towards the goal of $225,000, with $188,000 collected. Backers of the fund-raising effort are urged to continue reaching out to potential new contributors right up to the end.
Because of the rapid collection of pledges, project organizers have been able to pay for construction materials, furniture, and moving expenses in a way that will ensure a smooth transition to the new premises. The plan includes installing double-pane glass windows for the entire floor, resulting in a substantial savings on air conditioning and heating bills and dramatically cutting down the street noise from this busy intersection of midtown Manhattan.
Final payments can be hand-delivered in New York during the February 28-29 Red Weekend. Contributions should be made out to the 2004 Headquarters Building Appeal and sent c/o SWP National Office, 306 W. 37th St., 10th floor, New York, NY 10018.
See progress in appeal
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