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   Vol. 68/No. 15           April 20, 2004  
Fund meetings feature ‘Militant’ reporting trips
Supporters of the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial and the fund drive to help cover the costs of the two publications have begun calling and visiting potential contributors, buttonholing co-workers and fellow unionists, sending out mailings, shaking donation cans on street campaign tables, and organizing public meetings with attractive political programs.

A number of these meetings will feature Militant correspondents back from recent reporting teams—to Palestine, Venezuela, and Cuba (see calendar on this page). In addition to helping cover basic publishing costs, the eight-week international fund—which aims to raise $85,000—will help make further such reporting trips possible.

The accompanying chart shows we need to give daily attention to collecting pledges and winning new contributions. Fund supporters can take their cue from the flying start and campaign momentum of the Militant and Perspectiva Mundial subscription drive.

Ellen Brickley in Boston told the Militant April 6 that she and other supporters of the socialist press have made a point of talking about the fund when they call Militant subscribers about renewing their subscriptions. “One long-time reader sent in $70—$35 for a 12-month renewal, and $35 for the fund,” she said.

From Sydney, Australia, Linda Harris reported that supporters there raised around $100 toward their $1,500 goal at a March 28 barbecue to celebrate the completion of the Communist League campaign for mayor of Canterbury.

Candidate Ron Poulsen said that communist workers and youth had used the campaign to build solidarity with working-class resistance to the bosses’ attacks—including large-scale protests by Aboriginal people against cop violence in Sydney—and to oppose the military-police interventions abroad of the imperialist Australian government.

“One of Poulsen’s meatpacking co-workers sent his apologies for being unable to come, and gave a $10 donation to the fund,” said Harris. In addition, she said, “Three young people from south Korea came to the barbecue after meeting supporters of the Militant on a campaign table that featured a placard saying, ‘U.S. troops out of the Korean peninsula!’”

To make a contribution, send your check or money order, payable to the Militant, to 306 W. 37th Street, 10th floor, New York NY 10018.

See fund drive chart
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‘Militant’ campaign at 613 subs in 2 weeks!  
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