Scotland: postal workers strike Royal Mail to protest closure of Broxburn sorting office |
Militant/Caroline Bellamy
WEST LOTHIAN, ScotlandPostal workers in Broxburn, West Lothian, picket the government postal company, Royal Mail, at the Broxburn sorting office during an April 26 one-day strike to protest the offices closure. A Communications Workers Union (CWU) representative, Joe Dunnigan (second from left, with glasses), who has worked at Broxburn for eight years, told the Militant: For more than six years we have been demanding a new sorting office in Broxburn, on health and safety grounds. Then, without consulting either the workers or the public, Royal Mail decided to close it, transferring us either to Livingstona bus journeyor near Bathgate, which is two bus journeys away. The new location will also mean that Broxburn residents have to travel farther to pick up mail. In response to the announcement of these plans, the CWU called a public meeting in February with local politicians and Royal Mail management. The event was attended by over 250 people, Dunnigan said, but the bosses didnt want to listen, they now view us as a business, not a service to the community. Today is the first day we should have started in the new offices. We are determined to stick to our gunswere balloting early next month on an overtime ban and work to rule. Its in both our interests and that of the public. Weve been given a lot of support today and were very encouraged.
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