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   Vol. 68/No. 29            August 10, 2004 
Militant Labor Forums

Los Angeles
Why Washington Used Nuclear Weapons against Japan: 59th Anniversary of that Atrocity

Speaker: Chris Remple, Socialist Workers Party.
Fri., Aug. 6, 7:30 p.m.
4229 S. Central Ave.
Tel: (323) 233-9372

Why Democrats Are Leading Drive for 'Homeland Security'; Working People are Target of Police Spying and Disruption.

Speaker: Michael Italie, Militant staff writer.
Fri., Aug. 6. Dinner, 7 p.m.; program, 8 p.m.
Support Workers' Right to Organize Unions
Fri., Aug. 13. Dinner, 7 p.m.; program, 8 p.m.
Both events held at: 307 W. 36th St., 10th floor (use north elevators).
Suggested donation: $5 for dinner, $5 for program.
Tel: (212) 629-6649.

Celebrate the Grand Opening of the New Center in Houston for the Socialist Workers Party 2004 Campaign, Pathfinder Books, and the Militant Labor Forum

Speaker: Tom Leonard, longtime leader of the Socialist Workers Party and retired merchant seaman.
Sat., Aug. 14. Reception and dinner, 6 p.m.; program, 7:30 p.m.
4800 W. 34th St., suite C-51A.
Tel: (713) 869-6550.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki August 1945: Behind the U.S. Atom Bombing of Japan.

Fri., Aug. 6, 7:30 p.m.
2 Billion People in the World Have No Electricity-Support the Right of Semi-Colonial Countries to Expand Electrification
Fri., Aug. 13, 7:30 p.m.
Both events held at the Militant Labor Forum Hall, 11 West Main, Room 103.
Suggested donation: $5.
Tel: (435) 613-1091.

Celebrate the Opening of Pathfinder Books and the Militant Labor Forum Hall.

Speaker: Sébastien Désnautels, Militant reporter at Alcoa strike; others.
Sat., Aug. 7. Program, 4 p.m.; Dinner and party at 6:30 p.m.
6955 Boulevard St. Michel (corner of Bélanger).
Suggested donation: $5 for program, $10 for dinner.
Tel: (514) 284-7369.

Kurdish Fight for Self-Determination and the Ongoing Occupation of Iraq

Speaker: Paul Davies.
Fri., Aug. 6, Buffet dinner 6 p.m. Program 7 p.m.
Pathfinder Books, 47 The Cut, London
Suggested donation: £3 for dinner, £3 for program.
Tel: (020) 7261-1354.

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