In the August 3 issue, the article “Showdown on concessions looms at Nebraska Tyson meatpacking plant” said: “Asked about the possibility of a strike, union president Marvin Harrington told the World Herald, ‘The way things went with Cherokee and Wisconsin, it looks like things are headed that way.’ He was referring to other Tyson plants where the company forced major concessions.” The latter sentence, which was added in the editorial process, is incorrect. At the plant in Jefferson, Wisconsin, the company did force major concessions after a yearlong strike. Workers at the plant in Cherokee, Iowa, however, voted down the concession contract Tyson proposed and are currently working under the conditions of the old contract.
Also in the same issue, the author of the article “At hip-hop meet, socialist responds to anti-Semitism” incorrectly attributed the statement “You need to learn about who Lyndon LaRouche really is” to Ben Ramos, a Puerto Rican independence advocate. Ramos, however, told the Militant he did not attend that conference—even though organizers listed him on the event’s program as one of the presenters—and therefore he could not have made the statement. Another participant, whom we could not identify, made this statement.
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