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   Vol. 69/No. 01           January 11, 2005  
Torture is wrong
It is time for the government to come out against torture. There was a time when the “rules of war” allowed victorious soldiers the right to enslave, rape, pillage, and plunder. I assume our government is against these war crimes, but they consider torture a gray area.

If the U.S. government won’t promise not to participate in, or turn a blind eye to torture, then the American people should.

Torture has always been and will always be wrong. Don’t you agree?

Chuck Mann
Greensboro, North Carolina

Famine for profit
The New York Times recently pointed out that world hunger is rising. At least 5 million children starve to death every year, and 852 million people are chronically hungry—a figure that is rising. Meanwhile, the Democrats and Republicans in this country demand more money—for war and “homeland security”—to make sure things stay just the way they are.

What the Times neglected to point out is that world grain production in 2004 is expected to reach an historic record.

Famine for profit—capitalism at its finest!

Robert Dees
Palo Alto, California

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