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   Vol. 69/No. 3           January 25, 2005  
In the January 18 issue, two figures for Indonesia’s foreign debt were cited in two different articles. In “Social catastrophe unfolds in South Asia after tsunami” the figure used of nearly $81 billion was cited by Reuters and other news agencies, based on reports from the Paris Club. In the article “Indonesia: imperialism amplified toll of tsunami” the figure of $136 billion is based on the CIA’s World Factbook 2004 estimate and is close to the figure cited by the World Bank, which is based on sources from Indonesia’s central bank. The World Bank figure, $133 billion as of the fall of 2003, is more widely accepted and should have been cited in both articles.

Also in the same issue, an error was introduced in the editing in the article “Four million Cubans join defense exercise.” Cuba’s population was incorrectly reported as 4 million. It is in fact 11.3 million.

An erroneous statement appeared in “Brazil: unionists march for minimum wage hike,” in the January 11 issue. The article mistakenly stated that the European Union’s Growth and Stability Pact calls for member states to keep government debt below 3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). The correct figure is 60 percent. The annual budget deficit of EU member states is supposed to stay below 3 percent of their GDP.  
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