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   Vol. 69/No. 9           March 7, 2005  
‘Militant’ sub renewal campaign faces challenge
Partisans of the socialist press involved in the four-week subscription renewal drive to expand the long-term readership of the Militant and its sister publication in Spanish, Perspectiva Mundial, have a substantial challenge ahead to meet the campaign’s international goal of 325 renewals to the Militant and 80 for Perspectiva Mundial.

At the end of the second week—halfway through the campaign—75 subscription renewals have been collected, just 22 percent of the goal. Only three areas—Sydney, Australia; Auckland, New Zealand; and Detroit, Michigan, are currently on target having collected least half of their local goal.

A concerted, collective effort is needed starting now in order to meet the overall goal by May 6. This week is key to significantly step up work to bring in renewals, not only to catch-up, but to allow time for readers who send their subscription cards and money through the mail. Organizing house visits and follow-up discussions also takes time and planning.

Those participating in the campaign are asked to send in reports and examples of success to the Militant to keep readers informed of the campaign’s progress and inspire others around the world to follow suit.

Click here to see the subscription scoreboard

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