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   Vol. 69/No. 23           June 13, 2005  
Stalinist Popular Front
In his article “Bolshevism versus class collaboration: a reply to Young Communist League’s defense of Stalinist Popular Frontism” (May 2 issue), Martín Koppel says that in the mid-1930s “Stalinist parties were instructed to support the ‘democratic’ imperialist governments in their military and diplomatic preparations for war against fascist-led imperialist regimes.”

This meant covering up U.S. imperialist war crimes. In a report to the Communist Party USA’s Central Committee in June 1937, party secretary Earl Browder said that in explaining “how to break up the false conception of [American] isolation and neutrality as the road to peace all efforts must be turned in this direction of merging the movement of the American people for peace together with the international movement, against the instigators of war, which means German and Italian fascism and the Japanese militarists, and toward the creation of a united front of the democratic states against fascist aggressors.” (The People’s Front, by Earl Browder, 1938 International Publishers.)

Workers and peasants in China, Haiti, Cuba, Nicaragua, and the Philippines could only wish that “democratic” U.S. imperialism followed a policy of “isolation and neutrality” in the 1930s! U.S. troops in these countries were used to smash rebellions, fortify brutal dictatorships, and maintain a steady supply of super-profits back to Wall Street.

Bill Kalman
Albany, California


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