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   Vol. 69/No. 25           July 4, 2005  
Campaigners step up drive to sell
3,350 copies of ‘New International’
Campaigners in Chicago sold 15 copies of the two newest issues of New International at a booth they set up at the Printers Row Book Fair on the June 11-12 weekend. Claudia Hommel reports that people who bought the Marxist magazine came looking for explanations on a range of subjects—from the state of the unions today to the environment to U.S.-led imperialist wars.

Socialist workers and young socialists have launched the second leg of the New International sales drive with a stepped-up effort. They’ve taken a goal of selling 3,350 copies of the two issues of NI in a campaign through August 22. Campaigners in the U.S. and other countries have taken a quota of 3,000, which is 316 higher than the previous quota. They are now discussing their local quotas in this light. Next week’s scoreboard will report the new quotas.

We currently stand at 57 percent of the international goal.

Young socialists who will participate in the mid-August world youth festival in Venezuela have taken a quota of 250 copies to sell at the international gathering. Another 200 will come from sales through

Over the next six weeks, the French translations of the two new issues of the magazine will be published, adding to the English and Spanish editions. Issue 7 of Nouvelle Internationale will be out in early July and number 8 in early August.

Hommel noted that one visitor approached the booth at the Chicago book fair saying she was discouraged about the “hold of the religious right on politics today.” She became interested in the section of “Their Transformation and Ours”—contained in NI no. 12—under the heading “Historical trends and proletarian strength.” It describes long-term changes that strengthen the international working class, including the weakening hold of state-enforced obscurantism among working people.

From Seattle, John Naubert writes that two copies of NI no. 12 were sold during street petitioning to put the Socialist Workers mayoral candidate on the ballot there. A man interested in a perspective to fight imperialism, who said he was of Irish background, said, “Irish people have been fighting imperialism” for a long time, as he purchased his copy.

Click here to see the New International sales campaign scoreboard
See link for New International sales offer.

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