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   Vol. 69/No. 28           July 25, 2005  
‘Nouvelle Internationale’ no.7 hot off the press;
team takes magazine to workers, youth in Quebec
TORONTO—Issue no. 7 of the French-language Marxist magazine Nouvelle Internationale is off the press. It features “Capitalism’s Long Hot Winter Has Begun,” the political report by Socialist Workers Party national secretary Jack Barnes adopted by the party’s 2002 convention, as well as the political resolution “Their Transformation and Ours,” adopted by its June 2005 convention. As an appendix it reprints two reports from 1921 by Bolshevik leaders V.I. Lenin and Leon Trotsky on “Crisis, Boom, and Revolution.”

This issue is the translation of the English-language New International no. 12, which, as the issue’s introduction explains, “analyzes the sharpening interimperialist conflicts fueled both by the opening stages of a world depression and by the most far-reaching shift in Washington’s military policy and organization since its preparations in the late 1930s to transform the nearly decade-long war in Asia and the European war of 1939-41 into a world war.”

The issue also "weighs the importance of the beginning political transformation of militant workers who, impelled by these momentous changes, are taking the lead to reach for, organize, and use union power." These items have been translated into Spanish in issue no. 6 of Nueva Internacional, as well.

In an initial two-day trip to Montreal, a team of communist workers from Toronto sold 11 copies of the new issue to individuals who had taken advantage of a special prepublication offer for Nouvelle Internationale no. 7 and the forthcoming no. 8, scheduled to be printed in time for the World Festival of Youth and Students in Caracas, Venezuela, which opens August 7.

The team sold three more sets to young subscribers to the Militant. One, Véronique Clermont, was active in the recent six-week strike by Quebec students against cuts to the grant system. Clermont took advantage of the special offer after a discussion on the way forward for Quebec independence and reading the section in the magazine describing the communist movement’s response to the September 11 events under the heading, “No fear of the rulers.”  
‘New International’ campaign
With six weeks remaining in the campaign to sell the two new issues of New International and their Spanish and French counterparts, campaigners have sold 2,176 copies. We are more than a week behind where we need to be to reach the goal of 3,350 by August 22.

A stepped-up week-to-week effort in every city is needed to make this goal.

Please send in weekly progress reports by Tuesday morning to the Militant. Include short reports and photos for this column.  
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