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   Vol. 69/No. 31           August 15, 2005  
Militant Fighting Fund wins backing
in New Zealand, among W. Coast unionists
C.W. Mining, owner of the Co-Op mine in Huntington, Utah, has filed a lawsuit targeting nearly 100 individuals and unions involved in or supporting the fight by workers there to organize into the United Mine Workers of America. The Militant Fighting Fund was launched to help defend the Militant, a prominent target of the lawsuit. A $60,000 fund-raising campaign is under way. Endorsements and contributions can be sent to the fund at P.O. Box 520994, Salt Lake City, UT 84152

AUCKLAND, New Zealand—Support for the Militant Fighting Fund has come from Pauline Tangiora, a well-known Maori elder and champion of struggles of indigenous peoples around the world. David Wakim, a leader of activities in solidarity with the Palestinian people, also recently endorsed the campaign. Another who signed on was Paul Piesse, an official of the Southern Local Government Officers Union.

Mike Peters, national president of the New Zealand Ecological Restoration Network, lent his name encouraging those who are waging the battle for the Militant and the miners at Co-Op.

Funds raised include $200 at a yard sale held in Auckland and $50 at a special dinner in Christchurch.


SEATTLE—At an annual picnic organized here by International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 19, commemorating battles to build the union in the 1930s when several longshore workers lost their lives, supporters of the Militant Fighting Fund set up an information table and received the endorsement of several union members and officials. Six members of ILWU Local 19 signed on and contributed $110.

Robert Gorman, of the AFL-CIO staff in Washington State and a member of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 46, also endorsed the defense effort and contributed $30. Gorman helped with tours of Co-Op miners to the Seattle area last year that won substantial solidarity for the miners’ fight.


ILWU Local 63 in San Pedro, California, has sent the Militant Fighting Fund a $200 contribution. The donation was approved by a local membership meeting on the recommendation of the executive board.

All payments from this round of fund-raising are due by August 15.  
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