Capitalist ‘education’—“Almost 10,000 pupils were permanently excluded from school in 2003-04…. Persistently disruptive behavior was the main cause of expulsion. More than 344,000 temporary suspensions were also issued last year.”—The Times, London.
Watch those diapers and mom’s pillow—The government “no fly” list includes a quarter of a million maybe’s “linked” to alleged terrorism. The slap-dash list invites duplication so it includes infants. Babies spotted on the list are barred at the gate. One woman told a reporter her “no fly” infant daughter was barred. Also, at the time, the girl’s mother was “hugely pregnant.” She said that together, she and her daughter looked “really threatening.”
Eh? Come again—The chief of police in St. Petersburg, Florida, declared an “error” in judgment was committed by cops who handcuffed an "unruly” kindergarten girl. But, the chief added, it was not a violation of policy.
In some things they're consistent—Parts of the Louisiana prison system are crafting a plan to have inmates cough up “small” co-payments to see doctors, and dentists. Mississippi is the only state more impoverished than Louisiana.
Chew on these numbers—Six years ago in its successful bid for office, The British Labour Party pledged a reform of the enlightened dental program by the National Health Service. A committee of Parliament now has reported that 2 million people are unable to obtain dental care.
Imperialism and numbers that count—The gap between rich and poor in Hawaii keeps growing. Since the 1970s, the poorest 20 percent of the people have lost 7 percent of their income. In the same period, the 20 percent of the richest enjoyed a 31 percent gain.
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