The final week was the best by far since the opening of the campaign, with 193 copies sold, apart from the very successful sales at the recent world youth festival in Venezuela, where Young Socialists from around the world sold 438 copies.
In the final week, socialists brought the magazines with them on solidarity visits to the picket lines of striking mechanics at Northwest Airlines. “We visited the picket lines at Newark airport on the first day of the strike,” said Nancy Rosenstock from Newark, New Jersey. “I got into a discussion with a mechanic who had worked for 20 years at Northwest. He really liked the front-page coverage in the Militant on the strike by airline workers in London so he picked up a copy. Then he took a look at the two New Internationals and seemed interested in the discussion on viewing working-class struggles from an international perspective, so he decided to buy both issues.”
Ten more copies of New International were sold at an August 19-20 meeting of the Federation of Southern Cooperatives in Epes, Alabama. The meeting, attended by some 100 farmers and supporters, discussed how to fight against racist discrimination by government agencies and against farm foreclosures of land held by Black farmers for generations.
Click here to see the New International sales campaign scoreboard
See link for New International sales offer.