HUNTINGTON, Utah—Supporters of the Militant Fighting Fund circulated among the crowd at the August 21 anniversary picnic for the Co-Op miners, talking to miners and their supporters. The crowd was eager to know about the latest developments in the fight against C.W. Mining’s lawsuit.
Berthila León and Sergio Ponce, two Co-Op miners who have been stalwarts of the now almost two-year-long struggle for a United Mine Workers of America local at the mine, signed on as supporters of the Militant Fighting Fund and made a financial contribution. With León’s and Ponce’s endorsements, eight leaders of the Co-Op fight have now backed the campaign to fight against the anti-labor C.W. Mining lawsuit.
Pat O’Connor, one of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union members from Seattle, who traveled to Utah for the solidarity picnic, endorsed the Fund. “I’ll gladly sign,” he said, also giving a generous financial contribution.
The Militant Fighting Fund continues to make headway in gaining the backing of labor bodies for the freedom of the press rights of newspapers reporting on the Co-Op struggle and the fight of the miners and the UMWA to defeat this retaliatory lawsuit.
Recently, supporters of the Militant won the endorsement of the Toronto and York Region Labour Council in Ontario, Canada. “We wish our brothers and sisters success in their struggle,” wrote John Cartwright, president of the council. The endorsement and a $200 contribution came through as a result of follow-up work on names received from a Toronto USWA official who endorsed the Militant Fighting Fund earlier.
This week, Claudia Hommel writes, “You’ll be pleased to know the Chicago local of the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists endorsed the Militant Fighting Fund and is sending a contribution.” Several members of the local had already signed on to endorse and contribute to the defense effort.
The final chart on the successful effort to raise $60,000 for the Militant newspaper defense campaign was printed in last week’s issue of the paper, but several more contributions arrived in the days after the August 15 deadline. An extra $954 was sent in, bringing the total to $69,742—116 percent of the goal!
Related articles:
UMWA event marks gains in union fight at Utah mine
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